Monday, April 7, 2008

Burrito Wars

Last week marked the long-awaited arrival of Chipotle to Athens. With two existing burrito suppliers already on Court Street, one wonders whether there is enough room for them all to survive.

While local stalwart Burrito Buggy and more recent arrival Big Mamma's, one could argue that Athens was already well-served in the burrito department. Each has a loyal following, but most people at least liked one or the other.

Enter Chipotle. With its corporate backing, the newcomer made its presence known immediately by giving away thousands of free burritos on Thursday, leading to long lines that extended all the way around Perks onto Union Street.

I have mixed feelings about the situation. On one hand, I want a thriving Court Street that offers a wide variety of restaurants, especially those that offer fresh vegetarian fare. Chipotle brings fresh food and an interesting atmosphere.

On the other hand, is this another situation in which a large corporation comes in and runs the local guys out of business? Although McDonalds used to own a large stake in Chipotle, that is no longer the case; however, they still have a strong record of financial success. I hope their success does not take business from our local burrito places.

Unlike places like Walmart, the chain appears to be a responsible corporate citizen so I can't dislike them on that account. By employing fresh ingredients, you can't argue with the product either.

To me, what it comes down to is taste, variety and atmosphere. Each offers different ingredients in a different setting.

I'll probably stop in occasionally. However, my loyalty lies with the Buggy. As a vegan, I appreciate the fact that they offer tofu as well as homemade guacamole and salsa. In the long run, my taste buds steer me there. I don't stop at Big Mamma's often, but I hope people continue to support these local establishments. Chipotle simply offers another option.

In the end, if all three businesses thrive, the burrito lovers of Athens will be the winners.

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